The Most Common Orthodontic Treatments

Orthodontics is a subspecialty of dentistry that helps straighten and correct misaligned teeth. Your smile is an important part of you and an opening to a vital section of your dental health. Not everyone has a beautiful set of teeth; misaligned, crooked, or overlapped teeth can be a source of embarrassment and may cause some to have low self-esteem because they are always afraid of showing their teeth in public.  

What to Expect When Getting Braces

Braces are an orthopedic treatment used to correct overcrowded or crooked teeth or an overbite, suitable for all ages. Often, the teeth may be straight, but the lower and upper jaw cannot meet adequately. This problem can either be inherited, a result of injuries received early or late tooth loss, or thumb-sucking.

Why Invisalign beats braces for holiday convenience

The holidays are so busy! No matter what holidays you and your family celebrate, this is the season of family gatherings, holiday feasts, and festive celebrations. With so much planning, shopping, traveling, and partying going on, the last thing you want to do is have to arrange your plans (or menus) because of your orthodontic treatment. If you’re looking for the ultimate in holiday convenience when it comes to straightening your teeth, Invisalign is hands-down the winner over braces. Here’s why…

How exactly do braces work?

Walk through any middle school or high school, and you’ll see them everywhere – braces! Getting braces is practically a right of passage for American kids, but plenty of adults wear braces, too! In fact, about 4 million Americans are wearing braces right now. But do you know how they actually work to move the teeth and create straight, gorgeous smiles?

Navigating Thanksgiving with braces

Thanksgiving is all about food, family, and friends. Family traditions, grandma’s family recipes, seeing relatives you don’t get to see on a daily basis, and of course, football make Thanksgiving one of the most fun holidays of the year. But when you’re wearing braces, it can be a bit tricky to navigate.

Halloween candy that’s safe for braces

Grab your plastic pumpkin, your costume and your best “boo” face because Halloween is almost here! While the streets will be filled with ghouls, goblins, and ghosts, we think the scariest thing you’ll see on Halloween is candy that rips your braces right off your teeth! Yikes!

Back to school with braces

You got braces over the summer – and that’s awesome! Nearly everyone has braces at some point, and now you’re part of the club. But is there anything you need to know about going back to school with braces? Yes! Having braces at school presents a few new challenges, but don’t worry – we’ve put together this handy list so you’ll be prepared!

Adult Braces

Braces are almost a right of passage here in Atlanta. Walk into any middle school, and you’ll see hundreds of smiling faces with braces. But not every person gets braces while they’re young.

Thankfully, childhood is definitely not the only time you can get braces. For those of you who missed out on braces as a child, or who didn’t need braces until your teeth shifted out of position as an adult, adult braces are here to give you the straight smile you’ve always wanted at any age.

17 tips to never lose your retainer again

It’s every teen’s nightmare – losing their retainer and dealing with the wrath of mom and dad when they find out they have to buy a new one! If you want to stay in your parents’ good graces and avoid a lecture about “being responsible,” (ugh, the worst), get proactive with these tips and never lose your retainer again!

Causes and treatments of an overbite

If your child has an overbite, you may be concerned that they could be teased in school. But the dangers of an overbite don’t stop with schoolyard bullies. Though mild overbites are very common and often do not require treatment, people with more severe overbites should seek overbite treatment because this condition can contribute to a host of health problems including gum disease, jaw pain and tooth decay.